Pet Wants - The Pack Gives Back!
Buy a pound of food for Cincy CARE and Pet Wants will match it!
Buy a pound of food for Cincy CARE and Pet Wants will match it!
Wanna help feed the dogs?! This is how you can help!
Cincinnati Animal CARE uses approximately 364,000 cups of food each year to feed the more than 8000 stray animals we take into our facility annually! To help offset this massive cost, our friends at Pet Wants chose US as the beneficiary of their The Pack Gives Back Initiative this year, where for every pound of food you purchase for us, they'll match it!
Help us keep our dogs fed with quality food all year long, and please consider contributing to the Pack Gives Back Initiative! You can donate in-store at the Pet Wants Findlay Market or Pet Wants Vine Street locations or donate through this campaign directly!
We're setting our goal for this fundraiser at $12,133. That's exactly half of what it would cost us to feed the dogs Pet Wants Chicken and Rice formula for ONE MONTH, and half the amount because Pet Wants will match this amount Pound for Pound, giving us what we need for a month of food.
How much food does Cincinnati Animal CARE use every year?
- An Adult Fin Whale!
- A Crane Barge!
- An Ancient Pharaoh Statue!
- Two 8*4 Howo trucks!
- Two Stonehenge Sarsen stones!
- Half a 1600-square-foot house!
A message from Pet Wants Founder and Owner of Pet Wants Kitchen and Findlay Market:
"I like to think that as Americans, we all do what we can to make the world a better place. Thankfully for us, Cincinnati is home to Cincinnati Animal CARE, one of the finest animal shelters and rescue organizations in the nation, leading the way in no-kill animal sheltering and adoption practices. On behalf of Pet Wants at Findlay Market and the Pet Wants Kitchen in Over-the-Rhine, we are proud to introduce the "pound for pound" pet food donation to Cincinnati Animal Care.
To make it more fun, we'll culminate the food drive with "Pets. Pumpkins. Bourbon" A Costume Contest and Party on Wednesday, October 23rd at (pet-welcoming) Knox Joseph Distillery and the OTR Stillhouse, near Pet Wants at Findlay Market!"
Michele Hobbs, Owner of Pet Wants Kitchen, Pet Wants Findlay Market, Pet Wants Vine Street, and the Knox Joseph Distillery/OTR Stillhouse.
Thank you for your support!